Book Now Name* First Last Email* Phone*Date of your event* MM slash DD slash YYYY How many hours do you want the Chicago GIF booth for? Address of the event Name and phone number for the contact person at event What kind of event will the Chicago GIF be at? (wedding, festival, etc) How many people are you expecting at your event? What would you like to call your GIF booth gallery?ex. Joe + Jill's wedding With each Chicago GIF taken your attendees will be able to text themselves with the gif. We can post a custom text message that is sent out to each phone number. Do you have a special message to say?max of 120 characters only Do you have an event hashtag? Please select an option for the GIF Image Capture style Animated GIFs only GIFs and still photos ($100 upgrade) Would you like Real Time Playback of last 3 GIFS on TV (if provided by Venue)? Absolutely! $100 upgrade No thanks Please select a power option for the Chicago GIF booth I will provide power within 8 feet of the booth I need the booth to run on battery power ($100 upgrade) Please select an internet connectivity option for the Chicago GIF booth I will provide wifi at the venue I need an internet hotspot ($100 upgrade) Anything else we need to know? Any questions?